The Association of Historic Towns of Slovenia was founded only a few months after the establishment of the European Association of Historic Towns and Regions. This speaks of a great will and vision, as well as the simultaneous awareness of mayors and municipal administrations that only connected and joint action and the exchange of good and less good experiences of municipalities and historical cities with similar problems, challenges and ideas leads to more successful work, better solutions and thus development of our historic cities.

During the years of operation, Brežice, Celje, Črnomelj, Jesenice, Kamnik, Kranj, Kostanjevica na Krka, Metlika, Novo mesto, Radovljica, Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenske Konjice, Šentjur and Žužemberk joined the Association of Historical Cities of Slovenia. the fact that the Association’s activities were heard, resounding and, above all, successful. We are happy and proud of each new member, because there are more of us, the more our voice is heard and our activities can be more successful both for the benefit of our member cities and our residents.