Organiser: Turistično olepševalno društvo Ponikva
E-mail: tod.ponikva@gmail.com
Telephone: 031 704 980 (Zlatko Zevnik)
Entrance fee: 5 EUR
Summer under the Walnut Tree with music about wine and love
Slomškov trg, Ponikva, Šentjur
Sunday, 1 September 2024 at 8.00 pm
Concert of Jernej Dirnbeka – Dimek and Davorj Klarič
Jernej Dirnbek – Dimek and Davor Klarić are known as members of the popular Slovenian band Mi2, but have now prepared a joint project Summer under the Walnut Tree with music about wine and love. For the concert in Ponikva, the birthplace of the famous bishop and cultural worker Anton Martin Slomšek, they have chosen songs that are related to two popular themes – wine and love, with both themes often being present in the songs together. This is also why the lyrics of the selected songs are mostly humorous and witty, and through the adventures of the protagonists of the songs, they hold up a mirror to society in a light-hearted way.