From town to town


Each city is an experience in itself. As you connect more of them, the experiences turn into a big story. Create it on your own or choose one of the programmes offered by the Association of Historic Towns of Slovenia in cooperation with selected agencies.

While visiting Slovenia, do not skip the capital city of Slovenia - Ljubljana - with Plečnik's architecture, the castle, the marketplace and other creations of the renowned architect.



Koper • Žužemberk • Črnomelj • Metlika • Brežice

Anyone who discovers Slovenia will also discover its wines! The intertwining of climates and different soils enables Slovenia to have a great diversity in its wine offer. Taste them in and around historic towns. A glass of wine goes well with local culinary specialties.

1. day - Koper
2. day - Žužemberk in Črnomelj
3. day - Metlika
4. day - Brežice

1. day - Koper

Complement your visit to Koper, once the second-most important city of the Venetian Republic, with a taste of a noble Istrian drop. Vinakoper, one of the largest wine cellars in Slovenia, also boasts one of the largest barrels in Europe. From the wine fountain in nearby Marezige there is a beautiful view of Koper, which also impresses visitors with its many events.


2. day - Žužemberk in Črnomelj

Žužemberk is known not only for the mighty castle that rises on a cliff above the Krka or for the former Auersperg ironworks at the nearby Dvor, but also for the Zweigelt wine from the autochthonous grape variety. The summer Trški dnevi event offers medieval experiences the Žužemberk way.

In Črnomelj, a town with three thousand years of history, the Museum Town Collection is worth a visit. The street of culture invites you to try your hand at making typical Črnomelj pretzels and taste local and traditional specialties with the “Tastes of Bela krajina” brand.


3. day - Metlika

The Metlika area has been home to vines for almost a thousand years. In many wine cellars, you can try metliška črnina and modra frankinja wines, to which the Metlika spring festival called Vinska vigred is dedicated. Locals like to serve wine with belokranjska pogača, an indigenous dish from Bela Krajina, protected at the European level.


4. day - Brežice

After visiting the old town of Brežice and the castle with the picturesque Knight’s Hall, taste the difference between cviček and bizeljčan – two typical types of wine of this area. Experience wine tasting in repnice – caves dug into quartz sand, which were once used to store turnips. Debeluh Inn with a Michelin-starred chef Jure Tomič is also worth a visit.


Skrivnostna moč tišine

Skrivnostna moč tišine

Značilnost slovenske krajine so številne cerkve na vzpetinah in v naseljih ter samostani različnih cerkvenih redov, ki hranijo bogato kulturno dediščino in okoli katerih se pletejo pravljice in legende. Spoznajte sakralno dediščino Slovenije.

1. dan – Novo mesto
2. dan – Kostanjevica na Krki
3. dan – Slovenske Konjice
4. dan – Šentjur

1. dan – Novo mesto

V mestu, ki v Dolenjskem muzeju varuje situle in druge izjemne najdbe iz železne dobe, že več kot 550 let neprekinjeno bivajo frančiškani. V Novo mesto so prišli v 15. stoletju, kmalu potem, ko je kot mlado utrjeno središče dobilo mestne pravice. Njihova dediščina je povezana z eno najstarejših knjižnic v Sloveniji in s cerkvijo sv. Lenarta.

Novo mesto

2. dan – Kostanjevica na Krki

Kostanjevica na Krki je edino slovensko mesto na otoku, na katerega vodijo štirje leseni mostovi. V 13. stoletju so tu ustanovili cistercijanski samostan. Samostanski kompleks, razširjen v času baroka, ima eno največjih arkadnih dvorišč v Evropi. Tu deluje kiparska in slikarska Galerija Božidarja Jakca, ob samostanu je mednarodna forma viva.

Kostanjevica na Krki

3. dan – Slovenske Konjice

V tišini doline sv. Janeza v Slovenskih Konjicah je bila v 12. stoletju sezidana Žička kartuzija, v 14. stoletju je bila predstojnica vseh kartuzij. Danes je kraj za pobeg od vrveža. Ponaša se s samostansko zeliščno lekarno, v Otokarjevi kleti zorijo konjiške penine, pred samostanom je Gastuž – najstarejša gostilna v Sloveniji.

Slovenske Konjice

4. dan – Šentjur

Šentjur je rojstno mesto škofa Antona Martina Slomška, velikega duhovnika, narodnega buditelja, pisatelja in pesnika. Mnoge njegove pesmi so uglasbene in ponarodele. V Ponikvi si ogledamo njegovo rojstno hišo ali obiščemo prireditev v njegov spomin. V Šentjurju obiščemo Ipavčevo hišo, dom znamenite glasbene družine Ipavcev.
