Piran • Škofja Loka • Kranj • Celje • Ptuj The preserved medieval town walls, which once provided security and survival, today awaken the imagination with countless stories. Enjoy a stroll along the most beautiful highlights of Slovenian history.
Day 1 - Piran
Rising above Piran is a preserved section of the once mighty Renaissance town wall. It offers exceptional views of the sea and the town, which has “grown on salt”. Salt harvesting, which you can still see in the saltpans of Sečovlje, gave rise to the booming town at the time of the Venetian Republic. This is shown in a multimedia presentation in Mediadom.
Day 2 - Škofja Loka and Kranj
In Škofja Loka, open your eyes to the Gothic and Renaissance features of the walled medieval town at the foot of the hill, and Loka Castle. Today, the castle houses the Loka Museum, which presents the more than 1000 years of history of the town renowned for the Škofja Loka Passion Play – a staging of the oldest dramatic text in Slovenian language, classified as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
In Kranj, let your imagination be stirred by the times when the town was protected by walls with no fewer than eight defence towers. The importance of the town is manifested by the rich archaeological findings presented at the Gorenjska Museum in Pungert, where Khislstein Castle is also located. With its summer stage, it is the venue for many events throughout the year.
Day 3 - Celje
Celje is the town of the counts of Cilli or Celje, the only noble family on Slovenian soil and one of the most important families in Southeast Europe. Their mighty and fortified castle, today known as the Old Castle, is the venue of a lively festival summer pulse. The Princely Palace in the city centre with the exhibition A Town Beneath Today’s Town presents the remains of Roman Celeia, an important ancient city.
Day 4 - Ptuj
Ptuj is the oldest Slovenian town, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds from Roman times. Ptuj Castle is one of the most important fortifications to defend against the Turks, with the preserved ancient defence system in the castle complex. The castle houses the Ptuj Museum with its rich collections. Make sure to include a visit to the oldest winery in Slovenia in your town tour.
Piran • Škofja Loka • Kranj • Celje • Ptuj The preserved medieval town walls, which once provided security and survival, today awaken the imagination with countless stories. Enjoy a stroll along the most beautiful highlights of Slovenian history.
Day 1 - Piran
Rising above Piran is a preserved section of the once mighty Renaissance town wall. It offers exceptional views of the sea and the town, which has “grown on salt”. Salt harvesting, which you can still see in the saltpans of Sečovlje, gave rise to the booming town at the time of the Venetian Republic. This is shown in a multimedia presentation in Mediadom.
Day 2 - Škofja Loka and Kranj
In Škofja Loka, open your eyes to the Gothic and Renaissance features of the walled medieval town at the foot of the hill, and Loka Castle. Today, the castle houses the Loka Museum, which presents the more than 1000 years of history of the town renowned for the Škofja Loka Passion Play – a staging of the oldest dramatic text in Slovenian language, classified as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
In Kranj, let your imagination be stirred by the times when the town was protected by walls with no fewer than eight defence towers. The importance of the town is manifested by the rich archaeological findings presented at the Gorenjska Museum in Pungert, where Khislstein Castle is also located. With its summer stage, it is the venue for many events throughout the year.
Day 3 - Celje
Celje is the town of the counts of Cilli or Celje, the only noble family on Slovenian soil and one of the most important families in Southeast Europe. Their mighty and fortified castle, today known as the Old Castle, is the venue of a lively festival summer pulse. The Princely Palace in the city centre with the exhibition A Town Beneath Today’s Town presents the remains of Roman Celeia, an important ancient city.
Day 4 - Ptuj
Ptuj is the oldest Slovenian town, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds from Roman times. Ptuj Castle is one of the most important fortifications to defend against the Turks, with the preserved ancient defence system in the castle complex. The castle houses the Ptuj Museum with its rich collections. Make sure to include a visit to the oldest winery in Slovenia in your town tour.
V vinu je resnica
V vinu je resnica
Kdor odkriva Slovenijo, odkrije tudi njena vina! Prepletanje vplivov podnebja in tal Sloveniji omogoča veliko pestrost v ponudbi vin. Okušajte jih v zgodovinskih mestih in njihovi okolici. Kozarec vina se odlično poda k lokalnim kulinaričnim specialitetam.
1. dan – Koper
Obisk Kopra, nekdaj drugega najpomembnejšega mesta Beneške republike, dopolnite z okušanjem žlahtne istrske kapljice. Vinakoper, ena od največjih vinskih kleti v Sloveniji, se ponaša tudi z enim od največjih sodov v Evropi. Z Vinske fontane v bližnjih Marezigah je lep pogled na Koper, ki obiskovalce navdušuje tudi s številnimi prireditvami.
Koper2. dan – Žužemberk in Metlika
Žužemberk ni znan le po mogočnem gradu, ki se dviga na pečini nad reko Krko ali po nekdanji Auerspergovi železarni na bližnjem Dvoru, temveč tudi po vinu Zweigelt iz avtohtone sorte grozdja. Doživetja srednjega veka na žužemberški način ponujajo poletni Trški dnevi.
V okolici Metlike že skoraj tisoč let domuje vinska trta. V mnogih vinskih kleteh lahko poskusite metliško črnino in modro frankinjo – vini, ki jima je posvečen pomladni festival Vinska vigred v Metliki. K vinu domačini postrežejo belokranjsko pogačo, avtohtono belokranjsko jed, zaščiteno na evropskem nivoju.
3. dan – Brežice
Po ogledu starega mestnega jedra Brežic in gradu s slikovito Viteško dvorano si privoščite potep po levem in desnem bregu reke Save in odkrijte razliko med cvičkom in bizeljčanom – dvema značilnima vinoma tega območja. Doživite tudi vinsko degustacijo v repnicah – jamah iz kremenčevega peska, ki so jih včasih uporabljali za shranjevanje repe.