okusi mest / 4. May 2022Poskusite ga lahko na Jesenicah
Jesenice golnač (govnač) / stew
Shred fresh cabbage into thin strips, cover with water and bring to boil. Uncover the pot and place outdoors to get rid of the flatulence-causing substances. Discard the initial water, then add some fresh water. While the cabbage is slowly cooking, peel potatoes and cut them into quarters. If you want a thick stew, the quantity of potatoes should match the quantity of cabbage. Put potatoes on top of cabbage. Add quartered onions, a few garlic cloves and salt. Cook for one hour. Mash well, thicken with slurry and dress with cracklings or onion.
Serve with cooked beef, Carniola sausage or “gorenjski želodček” (cured pork stomach).
It can also be an independent dish.