Tastes of the Past


What did hunters enjoy in the times before Christ and with what did Roman warriors toast their victories? What kind of food was laden on castle and bourgeois tables in the past, and which delicacies were associated with the modesty of everyday life in the past? Taste the sweetness of Slovenian honey, the saltiness of the Slovenian sea, the maturity of cheese and the nobleness of wine.

The culinary and viticultural heritage of Slovenia’s historic towns is a pleasure all of its own!

Tržič bržole

Tržič bržole is a traditional shepherd’s stew from Tržič, made with mutton and vegetables, spiced with summer savoury and juniper berries. ...
You can try it in Tržič.

Loka ginger bread

Škofja Loka ginger bread are traditional honey pastries from Škofja Loka. They are made from spiced honey dough and pressed into hand-carved wooden ...
You can taste them in Škofja Loka.

Loka medla

If you want to try one of the oldest rustic dishes in Slovenia, you can do so in Škofja Loka, one of Slovenia’s most authentic medieval towns. ...
You can try it in Škofja Loka.

Visoška pečenka

Na poseben način pripravljena svinjska zarebrnica izvira iz Visokega v Poljanski dolini pri Škofji Loki. Sestavine:  1,2 kg svinjske zarebrnice s ...
Poskusite jo lahko v Škofji Loki

Čokobelica Radovljica

Čokobelica is a unique chocolate praline shaped like a bee and specially made for Radovljica, home of delicious chocolate and bees. The praline filli...
You can try it in Radovljica.

Haloze layer cake

Haloze layer cake is a traditional savoury or sweet dish that can be found in Ptuj. It is made from leavened dough and stuffed with cottage cheese, of...
You can try it in Ptuj.


Štruklji are made from pulled dough and filled with cottage cheese, herbs or other fillings. A special feature of Dolenjska štruklji is that they ar...
You can try them in Novo mesto.

Kamnik kajžerca and ženof

The most famous Slovenian sausage is, of course, the Carniolan sausage, but no less tasty is the Kamnik kajžerca, which is prepared according to the ...
You can try it in Kamnik.


If you climb the Velika Planina mountain, you will not only see the exceptional high pasture heritage, but will also be able to discover and taste the...
You can try it in Kamnik.

Idrija’s žlikrofi

Idrijski žlikrofi are made from dough with a potato filling and are especially known for their characteristic shape which resembles Napoleon’s hat....
You can try them in Idrija